Triage Tags make the job of sorting and prioritizing that much faster. Tags add organization, aids tracking of patients and focuses rescuers to the job of Triage. Triage Tags come with a string attached and already tied. Simply hang around the neck of the victim. Then just tear off the perforation color coded portion of the tag for the appropriate category.
These Triage Tags come with additional spaces for you to add even more detailed information in the Disaster First Aid area. Along with bar coding for computerized tracking, these labels have the new Contamination icons. All CERT team members should carry them in their emergency Search & Rescue CERT backpacks.
For Emergency Response Teams and School Disaster Teams performing Triage, the availability of Triage Tags means less chaos, rapid evaluations and prioritization by tagging quickly you can then move the victims quickly into the first aid area for treatment. Add our laminated Triage Algorithm flow charts wallet cards.
TIP! If working in a disaster first aid area, team up in pairs. One rescuer hanging tags on victim and tracking. Second rescuer performs quick evaluation using the triage algorithm. This will reduce confusion and chaos and allow for rapid assessment of victims.
Triage Tags Key Features
- Waterproof coating
- Color coded
- Contamination category
- Bar coded
- Single
How to do Triage
For a more understandable format, I've made this very simple Triage Flowchart poster that you can print and put in your Disaster Survival Kits.
You can also download all posters here
Disaster Response Guide For Schools
While a Triage Flowchart is one vital part of your disaster response plan, there are other skills that your emergency team should know, like evacuation, types of equipment needed, team's assignments, light urban search & rescue methods, disaster first aid, firefighting and utilities. To find out more about these step by step rescue guides, get your Emergency Response Team Members a Disaster Response Guide For School booklet.
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