11 Quick Tips for Handling Emergency Situations at School

Posted by Wayne Bennett on

11 Guidelines for Quickly Handling Emergency Situations at School

Every day we put thousands of kids in schools and expect the staff to save them in the case of an emergency.

While many school staff may have emergency response training in different emergency situations, it’s not that easy to remember all those things, especially if they don’t happen all the time.

As a firefighter who has responded to over fifty thousand emergencies, I know it’s a lot easier for someone with experience to respond quickly and properly in an event of any emergency situation, but for most people, emergency situations can be a bit overwhelming.

Check out our School Earthquake Preparedness Guide and Checklist, I've put together all the important things that matter to a school and help you to create a real world plan and response to an emergency. 

Here are 11 tips on emergency response at school

There’s a good chance that a major earthquake could strike during school hours. So when the shaking starts, be sure to get yourself and your students into the DROP, COVER, and HOLD ON position . If you are the one responsible for your school’s risk management or disaster response plan, use our School Disaster Preparedness Calculator. It will give you more of an idea what could happen in a disaster and how you can prepare and respond.

Watch this 1-minute video on how to perform Heimlich Maneuver for choking.

Watch this 1-minute video on how to stop and control bleeding.

Watch this 1-minute video on how to treat shock.

Watch this training video on how to use a fire extinguisher. 

You can also avoid this to happen in your school by storing chemicals in cabinets and out of reach from children.

Watch this 1-minute video on how to care for an amputation. 

Watch this short video on how to treat burns.


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